Video courtesy of Youtube and credit to the author: MyNameIsNavo
hi guys so here is my new project a vw camper finally we have one! me and my family will be using this for holidays and i now have the pleasure of building it so if your a camper nut stay tuned many more episodes to come and alot of plans have been made
if your new to my videos thanks for visiting!!! hope you enjoy your stay
i would like to introduce you to my self my name is stefan but also know as Navo im absolutley car obsessed and this kind of does reflect in my content……if you like vlogs, repairs, tutorials, reviews, and adventures then hit SUBSCRIBE!
on The 21st of july i purchased a 1983 vw camper with the help of my family and im currently in the process of restoring it if you like all things van there will be many videos of this type for you
i also modify a great deal of cars so if your all about that slammed stancey car life youll find something for you on the channel too
make sure you stay tuned for all upcoming adventures i have many big ideas and videos planned as things progress and the channel grows
get in touch share your throughts who knows you might see me at a show one day come say hi! so i will be on my social media if you want to drop me a message and say hi
snapchat: itsnavo
obviously making videos is only as enjoyable as the people who watch my videos so i truly appriciate all the comments and feedback you guys give me
big thanks to all my viewers